
DTC 498: Internship is recommended as a part of your degree pathway in Digital Technology and Culture. Your internships can be a paid work experience, a formal program at a company, or even a volunteer position. You may find internships on campus, locally, or remotely.  

While internship experiences are diverse, they all provide opportunities for you to apply your critical thinking and technical skills in a real-world environment. 

How to Find an Internship 

Internships are often advertised on Handshake or shared through the DTC student email lists and social media. You might find opportunities through DTC alums and contacts, informational interviews, or class visits to organizations and companies. If there is a place where you would like to work when you graduate, be fearless, and explore what internship opportunities exist.  

How to Register for DTC 498: Internship credits 

Once you’ve applied and been given the internship, the next step is to fill out the internship form.  (Note: you cannot bypass this process and enroll yourself in DTC 498.) You will receive an email from the current DTC internship advisors confirming your registration for the DTC 498 course.  

Current students can submit their internship information for approval here

When you’ve been approved, you can register for internship credits. You may choose to do these all at once or in 1-credit segments. Each 50 hours of work at an internship site amounts to 1 semester credit. 

Once the student is registered and the semester has started, the DTC internship advisors will contact the student. 

During the semester you will keep a log of your hours and job activities. You will then have your Internship Supervisor review that log a couple of times a semester.

Organizations and Companies

If you have an internship opportunity that you would like to share with our students, please submit it here.